Congratulations to Pat Phelan for winning the 2015 Lightning Fleet 192 Season Series.

A big thank you to Jim Albert for doing an exceptionally fine job of running races this season.

Final season results:  We had six guest skippers, one of which, Rick Hanson, sailed enough races to qualify for for the series.  After removing guest skippers that did not qualify during the season, here are the final season results.

Pat Phelan 97.0
Kyle Hansonn 73.4
Mike Mays 61.2
Tom Compton 49.3
Rick Hanson 48.8
Bill Johnson 30.8
Gordon Black 28.5
Kevin DiMichele 11.1

The rank-Sign is a statistical test that gives the probability that one competitor is better than another.  The overall score given above is found by adding the rank-Sign values for a competitor and then scaling the results to run from 0 to 100%.  This is the table after removal of guest skippers that did not quality.

We ran 46 races over the course of 20 scheduled evenings starting April 28th and ending September 8th.  We missed three evenings because of weather (thunder storms, not lack of wind).  Mike Mays managed to race 39 races.

Final results for the season including guest skippers:

Results  (Winning-%-Rank scoring method after 17 evenings of racing, forty-six races) including Guest Skippers:

Pat Phelan 93.8
Kyle Hanson 66.7
Bill Jonson, younger 62.5
Scott Davidson 62.5
Mike Mays 60.2
Rob Pheris 58.3
Mick Magyar 53.2
Tom Compton 41.3
Rick Hanson 40.9
Carl Robinson 39.4
Bill Johnson 35.6
Gordon Black 19.3
Kevin DeMichele 16.2

Competitors can miss a lot of races and still score well in the fleet (as long as they beat other boats when they do sail).  This means a guest skipper can score well while sailing many fewer races that regular skippers.  Red indicates a cumulative score for a competitor that did not race that race.

The rank-Sign is a statistical test that gives the probability that one competitor is better than another.  The overall score given above is found by adding the rank-Sign values for a competitor and then scaling the results to run from 0 to 100%.  This is the season's final table including guest skippers.

Some minimum participation is needed before one can say a skipper has participated in a series.  We chose six races sailing against 50% of the competitors as a cutoff point.

Number of races sailed this season:

Summary of how the Winning-%-Ranking works: